Light armor trainer morrowind
Light armor trainer morrowind

light armor trainer morrowind

(default =25)ĭisposition discount - the proportion reduction in cost for each level of disposition (0=neutral, 4=lover, -4=nemesis).

light armor trainer morrowind

This value is multiplied by the trainers level (apprentice=1, adept=2, expert=3, master=4) and added to the cost. Surcharge - how much extra you pay for trainer quality. (default =1) Note, if you use the uncapper to level skills over 100 a growth rate of 1 is strongly recommended. 1 is linear growth, higher values cause cause faster growth at lower levels, while lower values slow the initial cost growth. Growth rate - how quickly the cost goes from min to max as you level. The specific cost is highly configurable through the MCM, via the following parameters:Ĭost at lvl 1 - how much you would pay to level a skill from 0 to 1 (default =50)Ĭost at lvl 100 - how much you would pay to level a skill from 99 to 100 (default = 1000) You also get a discount from trainers that like you, so you can strategically cultivate a relationship with useful trainers. In addition, you pay a little more to train with higher proficiency trainers. The cost of training depends mostly on your skill level - the greater your skill the more you pay. Trainers have different proficiencies in the different skills they offer training in, so a master in one handed might only be adept in two handed. These correspond to training limits of skill level 25, 50, 75 and 999, though these values can be configured in the MCM. Trainer proficiency determines what level they can train you to and there are four different proficiencies of trainer: apprentice, adept, expert and master. To turn off the vanilla skill leveling system you'll need to use another mod (see installation section below). Trainers Galore allows you to entirely replace the vanilla skill-increase-through-practice system with a skill-increase-through-training system and so there's no limit on how often you can train. When you ask an NPC to train you a notification will tell you what their class is to help you figure the system out (you can turn this notification off in the MCM if you don't want it).Īs often as you want. Aela the Huntress is considered a thief) and so in these cases I have assigned custom skills for them to train you in. A few NPCs are placed in odd classes (e.g. What skills they offer training in depends on their class. NPCs can train you multiple skills, usually between 4 and 6. Though even NPCs who will train you won't do so if you are in a dangerous setting like a dungeon (including parts of the wilderness near dungeon entrances) or if you are trespassing. In the latter case it was because guards are too numerous and it felt odd being able to ask them to train you. In the first three cases this is because they lack the relevant lines of dialogue. All humanoid NPCs with the following exceptions: NPCs with unique voices (like Delphine), NPCs with the MaleAccentedCommoner voice (like cart drivers), children, and generic guards.

Light armor trainer morrowind