All the storage containers in the safehouse bunker are safe storage.There is no advantage to wearing the Brotherhood version of the armor, (unless impersonating a member), as there are no other differences between the two. The Brotherhood T-45d / T-51b power armor will get you shot at if you are seen by factions like the NCR, non Brotherhood will not. A set of T-51b power armor, T-45d power armor, and recon armor - Be aware of the difference between Brotherhood T-45d / T-51b power armor and non-Brotherhood.Missile launcher with one high velocity missile and one high explosive missile.Minigun with 5mm surplus, 2 (100 each).Weapon repair kit on a shelf in the rear-left of the lower area.Included in the bunker is a reloading bench, a workbench and a water fountain which gives zero rads.Īs of patch you can now find: recon armor, T-51b power armor, and T-45d power armor, all in poor condition, as well as a Tesla cannon, a minigun, a Gatling laser and some ammunition. Paladin Sato is not always at the safehouse, and resides in an inaccessible, empty room several meters past the back wall of the bunker at all other times. Inside, Brotherhood Paladin Sato watches over the bunker and can repair items for the player up to 100%. The safe house is lacking in objects except for a few bunkbeds and other miscellaneous items you'll commonly see in a safehouse. You can only gain entrance to the Brotherhood of Steel Safehouse after you finish the quest Still in the Dark.