How to make a radiation suit
How to make a radiation suit

how to make a radiation suit

For example, if you're standing next to a uranium reactor, a safety suit will not shield you against the ionizing radiation, but it can stop small bits of radioactive dust from getting on your skin. However, it is important to understand that no suit will protect you against ionizing radiation hazards (gamma rays, X-rays, radioactive particles: alpha or beta). Special garments are designed to protect you from the radioactive, contaminated hazards. Particle radiation includes electron, proton, and neutron beams produced by splitting unstable atoms from plutonium and uranium, as in a nuclear reactor or a nuclear bomb. Scientists differentiate ionizing radiation hazards from radioactive, contaminated particle or liquid hazards.

how to make a radiation suit

The energy radiated or transmitted in the form of rays, waves, or particles.” Protection against radiation is a complicated task.

How to make a radiation suit